Last Sunday I got awarded the Beautiful Blogger Award twice! Within 30 minutes of eachother! Crazy, I know. But anyway, this is my first award (and second)! The first one came from Jennifer over at SweepTight. She has a great blog where you can find LOTS of sweepstakes, giveaways, and more! The second one I recieved was from Leslie over at Live, Love, Laugh With Leslie. I've posted about her before. She is just an awesome person and is always willing to help out any way she can! So, thank you Jennifer and Leslie! It means a lot to me! :)
For the "Beautiful Blogger" award you need to:
Thank & link to the person that gave you the award.
Pass this award on to 15 fantastic bloggers you’ve recently discovered.
Contact their blogs and let them know they’ve won.
State 7 things about yourself.
I'm guessing since I recieved this twice, I should double everything, but sending this to 30 people really doesn't mean as much, so I'm only sending to 15!
I'm giving this award to
1. Mom's Best Bets
2. Coo Coo Courtney
3. Helping Mommy's Win
4. Just Short of Crazy
5. One 2 Try
6. Review Retreat
7. Mommy's Memorandum
8. Simply Stacie
9. Smart and Trendy Moms
10. The Adventures of Paul and Natalie
11. The B Keeps Us Honest
12. Snow White's Blog Shop
13. Bless Their Hearts Mom
14. Frugal Family Fun
15. Emily's Latest
7 Things About Me
1. I played the French Horn for 7 years, and I can still play it now
2. I love traveling and seeing new places (good thing being that hubby is military!)
3. My initials are CG, my hubby is in the Coast Guard, abrv. CG. Ha, I just think it's funny! :)
4. I have 5 step sisters, 1 step brother, 1 half sister, and a brother
5. I have a half German Shephard, half Corgie. He's a very smart dog, and kinda goofy looking! We got him from the Ponchartrain Humaine Society. They found him and his brother on the highway in a box in Baton Rouge. He's a cajun dog. When my mom came to visit when we lived in Louisiana, she also went to NOLA. She found this cool picture. We joke all the time that this is what my dog, Dodger, looks like! Lol :)

6. I am a VERY PROUD TEXAS NATIVE!! Born and raised! I love my state!
7. I have the best mom in the whole world!!! :)
Don't forget to thank a member of our MILITARY!
Thanks so much for the award!!
Hey Cara, I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I am in the military so any support I can provide, let me know! I am new to blogging so when you get a chance take a look at my blog. I would love to get your opinion! Happy Friday!!! Maria.
P.S. I put your button on my blog.
Thank you so much for the award. That is very kind!
Thanks so much for this award! You are so kind! Congratulations on your award! You deserve it! That is so cool you can play the french horn!! Have a great weekend!!
That is so sweet of you!! Love your blog too:) I am following you:)
I just had to stop by after you gave an award out to Just Short of Crazy. She is doing a product review for me. I am going to start following you as my niece is marrying a Coastie May 1!! Currently they will be stationed in Seattle. Add to that her brother (my nephew) is in the Air Force - just graduated with honors. My brother (their Dad) was in the Navy and passed away 2+ years ago. Can you tell I miss him! Enjoy the day!
Cara-Thank you so much for this award! I'm totally floored I enjoy reading your blog and know you come to visit mine too. Thanks for all your great posts, and Thanks for thinking of me!
Aw, thanks for the award! I'm WAY too lazy with these things, hopefully one day I will get to passing it on!
Thank you for the award! It is nice to see you part of Friday Follow! Have a wonderful weekend. Rita @ One 2 Try.
Thank you so much Cara! That is so sweet of you! Happy Friday & have a great weekend!
Cathy ♥ Snow White's Blog Shop!
Congrats on your awards. And that is so fun that you can play the french horn.
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