ES6tLMQ0PXfdqC9-18bZz9xUQ9E The Life Of A Coast Guard Wife: Looking for Sponsors for the my Summer in the South Blog Event!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Looking for Sponsors for the my Summer in the South Blog Event!

I will be holding a blog event for the whole month of July called Summer in the South! I will be featuring porducts/companies for everything from Swimsuits to water toys! Any product that could fit into the 'summer' theme is welcome! If you have a product or company that you would like featured in this event, please contact me at USCGWifey(@)

The event will bring in hundreds, possibly thousands of people! Your products WILL get seen! Please feel free to contact me with any and all questions.

Don't forget to thank a member of our MILITARY!


Blog Makeovers by Tara